VII Training Course in the Physics of
Correlated Electron Systems and High-Tc Superconductors
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno) Italy
14 - 25 October 2002
Download Area
Prof. F. Assaad
ITP III, Universitaet Stuttgart
Max Plank institute for solid state research
The numerical approach to correlated electron systems
.zip file containing the 1D Ising Monte Carlo code.
The only requirement for running the program is a f90 compiler.
Dr. J. Tempere
Departement Natuurkunde, Universiteit Antwerpen
Electron-bubbles in Helium
A useful link containing some more information on bubbles and our experiment is
References that go with the files:
Prof. Victor Yarzhemsky
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS
Space-group approach to the wavefunction of a Cooper pair and its applications to high-temperature superconductors
Mr. Adam Rycerz
Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University
On metal-insulator transition for a one-dimensional correlated nanoscopic chain
Mr. Arafa Hassen
Augsburg University
Structural, transport and magnetic properties of pure and doped RuSr2GdCu2O8
Dr. Balazs Dora
Department of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Unconventional density waves in quasi-one dimensional systems
Dr. Yasuhiro Saiga
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Two-Dimensional t-J Model in a Staggered Field