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First Announcement: General Information

XVIII Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems

The Training Courses - taking place in the enchanting Amalfi Coast - are aimed at graduate students and PostDoc researchers, and offer the fascinating possibility to meet selected experts belonging to different areas in Condensed Matter Physics. Every year the Training Courses cover hot topics of Condensed Matter Physics offering to the participants a deep overview from different prospectives (theoretical, experimental, phenomenological).

This year the focus will be on Topological Insulators, which actually represent a promising route towards Quantum Computation and Quantum Technology.                                   
In fact, microscopic laws of physics are invariant under time reversal, but the transport of energy and information in most devices is an irreversible process. It is this irreversibility that leads to intrinsic dissipations in electronic devices and limits the possibility of Quantum Computation. The recent discovery of Topological Insulators (TIs), bulk gapped materials exhibiting conducting channels at the boundaries, is a possible route to overcome intrinsic dissipation. On the basis of a generalization of the quantum Hall effect, the predicted effects in these materials could lead to efficient spin injection without the need for metallic ferromagnets. Principles found in Topological Insulators could enable quantum spintronic devices with integrated information processing and storage units, operating with low power consumption and performing reversible quantum computation.                                          
The Course is open to a limited number (around 30) of young (aged under 35) researchers. The registration fee is €400 (Euro), and includes a copy of the Proceedings, conference kit and coffee breaks. Unfortunately, the registration fee cannot be absolutely waived. Lodging and meals (full-board accommodation in the selected Hotel: Hotel La Lucertola), for the entire duration of the course (13 nights: arrival on Sunday October 5, departure in the morning of Saturday October 18, 2014), will be in the order of €1,200 (Euro). A limited number of grants, covering partially the accommodation, will be assigned to accepted participants, upon request and after a careful screening of CVs and home institution funding capabilities. A limited number of participants will have the opportunity to deliver a seminar.

In the 2014 edition, young researchers will benefit from training in scientific techniques and various methodologies under the guidance of 4 highly qualified senior researchers:

Professor B. Andrei Bernevig
Department of Physics, Princeton University
322 Jadwin Hall, Princeton NJ 08544 USA

Professor M. Zahid Hasan
Department of Physics, Princeton University
321 Jadwin Hall, Princeton NJ 08544 USA

Professor Nicolas Regnault
Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain, Département de Physique,
24, rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France

Dr. Michael Wimmer
Kavli Institute for Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology
Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands

Professor B. Andrei  Bernevig (October 6-10):
Matrix Product States in Topological States of Matter and Beyond

Professor M. Zahid Hasan (October 13-17):
Topological Insulators and Superconductors: Materials, Models and Experiments

Professor Nicolas Regnault (October 6-10):
Fractional Quantum Hall effect and Fractional Chern Insulators

Dr. Michael Wimmer (October 13-17):
Quantum Transport in low-dimensional topological materials

The Training Course is not intended as a series of formal lectures where no real contact develops between lecturers and audience. The idea is to put together, for two weeks, senior and young researchers in a close and informal atmosphere. The course lasts two weeks and sees the participation of two senior researchers per week (Monday to Friday). In the morning, each senior researcher will deliver a lecture. The afternoon sessions are devoted to training and emphasis will be on introducing young researchers to some specific problems and guiding them through their solution. The participants will be encouraged to present their own activity. The aim is to help young researchers to become more familiar with different approaches and start new collaborations.

(i) Morning session from 9.00 to 13.30: two lectures (two hours each) delivered by two lecturers;
(ii) Afternoon session from 15.00 to 18.00: devoted to training (one hour for students' seminars, two hours for lecturers' training session). 

Vietri (from Veteri, its ancient Roman name) sul Mare (on sea)  is located within walking distance from Salerno and marks the beginning of the Amalfi Coast. The town is about five minutes drive from Salerno , one hour from Naples Airport  and three hours from Rome Fiumicino Airport. Short rides take to Positano, Sorrento, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Paestum, the Vesuvius or to the islands of Capri, Ischia, Procida (by boat).

Google Map with main sites

The Director of the Course: Ferdinando Mancini
The Coordinator of the Course: Roberta Citro
Supporting staff: Marilena Catapano, Pasquale Marra, Francesco Romeo

APPLICATION FORM (to be submitted no later than July 18, 2014):

Application form and logistic information are available at:

For further information please contact:

Dr. Roberta Citro

Dipartimento di Fisica "E.R. Caianiello"
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
I-84081 Fisciano (SA)

Tel. 39 089 96 9187
Fax: 39 089 96 9658
E-mail: citro@sa.infn.itQuesto indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Web page:

Previous events:
I TC: 18th to 30th November 1996
Lecturers: K. Hallberg, N.M. Plakida, J. Spalek

II TC: 13th to 25th October 1997
Lecturers: F. Guinea, K. Maki, A. Moreo

III TC: 14th to 26th September 1998
Lecturers: G. Kotliar, M. Randeria, J. Ranninger, S. Sorella

IV TC: 11th to 22th October 1999
Lecturers: A.F. Barabanov, W. Nolting, A.M. Oles, A. Ruckenstein

V TC: 30th October to 10th November 2000
Lecturers: S. Alexandrov, L. Maritato, N.M. Plakida, A.M. Tsvelik

VI TC: 8th to 19th October 2001
Lecturers: P. Coleman, C. Di Castro, P. Prelovsek, C.M. Varma
Web page:

VII TC: 14th to 25th October 2002
Lecturers: N. Andrei, F.F. Assaad, J.T. Devreese, Y. Izyumov, J. Tempere
Web page:

VIII TC: 6th to 17th October 2003
Lecturers: A. Georges, M. Imada, M.L. Kulic, A. Muramatsu
Web page:

IX TC: 4th to 15th October 2004
Lecturers: K. Maki, H. Matsumoto, R. Noack, M. Sigrist
Web page:

X TC: 3rd to 14th October 2005
Lecturers: B. Coqblin, T. Giamarchi, W. Metzner, W. von der Linden
Web page:

XI TC: 2nd to 13th October 2006
Lecturers: M. Fabrizio, D. Poilblanc, R.T. Scalettar, D. van der Marel
Web page:

XII TC: 1st to 12th October 2007
Lecturers: S. Haas, M. Jarrell, H. v. Löhneysen, V. Zlatic
Web page:

XIII TC: 6th to 17th October 2008
Lecturers: G. Aeppli, P. Littlewood, M. Sigrist, M. Troyer
Web page:

XIV TC: 5th to 16th October 2009
Lecturers: V. I. Anisimov, A. W. Sandvik, G. Sawatzky, D. Vollhardt
Web page:

XV TC: 4th to 15th October 2010
Lecturers: O.K. Andersen, A.E. Feiguin, H.R. Ott, M. Potthoff
Web page:

XVI TC: 3rd to 14th October 2011
Lecturers: J.A. Mydosh, Th. Pruschke, U. Schollwöck, D. Singh
Web page:

XVII TC: 1st to 12th October 2012
Lecturers: A. Chubkov, A. Lichtenstein,  J.M. Tranquada, T. Vojta
Web page:

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