Proceeding and seminars

 Date Teacher
Lectures and seminars
Week I    
October 3 Prof. Martin Eckstein Electronic structure of correlated materials out of equilibrium: non-equilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
Lecture1: Keldysh formalism.
October 4 Prof. Martin Eckstein Electronic structure of correlated materialsout of equilibrium: non-equilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
Lecture 2: Relaxation beyond kinetic eq.
 Seminar Dr. Nikolaj Bittner

Novel nonequilibrium dynamics in superconductors Higgs oscillations and induced superconductivity

 October 5
Prof. Martin Eckstein Electronic structure of correlated materials out of equilibrium: non-equilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
Lecture 3: DMFT & real-time impurity solvers
 October 6
Prof. Martin Eckstein Electronic structure of correlated materials out of equilibrium: non-equilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
Lecture 4: Photo-doping in Mott insulators from a theory perspective
 Seminar Mr. Martin Žonda Simple perturbation theory of a quantum dot attached to BCS leads
 Seminar Mr. Matthias Peschke Magnetic phases of the geometrically frustrated one-dimensional Kondo lattice
 Week II    
October 10 Prof. Errico Arrigoni DAY 1
  Prof. Stefan Kaiser PhysRevB.87.115126 
October 11  Prof. Errico Arrigoni DAY 2
  Prof. Stefan Kaiser nphys2027
Seminar Mr. Markus Schmitt Irreversibility in Quantum Many-Body Systems
October 12 Prof. Errico Arrigoni DAY 3
October 13 Prof. Errico Arrigoni DAY 4
Miss. Delia Fugger Nonequilibrium Kondo effect in a magnetic field: Auxiliary master equation approach
October 14 Prof. Errico Arrigoni DAY 5