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Research outline

verso i DEM ad Alta RisoluzioneThe research objective is to refine Remote sensing image data analysis, through the employment of experimental algorithms, combined with the definition of optimal processing flowcharts (preprocessing, processing, postprocessing steps). It also includes the use of Geographic Information Analysis tools to integrate and empower the single-image processing products. Examples of the adopted algorithms are the Self Organizing Maps (SOM) unsupervised classification algorithm by Kohonen, while the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm, proposed by Vapnik, has been adopted for supervised classification tasks. Our group is also working on Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) techniques, whose importance in the Earth Observation through Remote sensing data analysis has recently grown, due to the availability of Very High Resolution satellite images. These techniques have already been studied in the past in other domains such as Automation and Medical image analysis, but they must be reformulated for the specific domain of EO satellite data.

Research groups:

Ing. Luca Pugliese Dott.ssa Silvia Scarpetta


A. M. Esposito, S. Scarpetta, F. Giudicepietro, S. Masiello, L. Pugliese, and A. Esposito
" Nonlinear Exploratory Data Analysis Applied to Seismic Signals "
B. Apolloni et al. (Eds.): WIRN/NAIS 2005, LNCS 3931, pp. 70 – 77, 2006.
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

L. Pugliese, S. Scarpetta, A. Esposito, M. Marinaro
" An Application of Neural and Probabilistic Unsupervised Methods to Environmental Factor Analysis of Multi-spectral Images"
F. Roli and S. Vitulano (Eds.): ICIAP 2005, LNCS 3617, pp. 1190 – 1197,
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

A. Pontrandolfo, A. Santoriello, L. Sirangelo, F.U. Scelza, M. Marinaro, L. Pugliese, S. Scarpetta, A. Esposito
" Integrated Technologies for the Reconstruction of the Ancient Landscape of Poseidonia-Paestum"
Stefano Campana, Maurizio Forte (Eds.) "From Space to Place: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology” , Rome December 4-7, 2006 - BAR International Series n.1568 - ArcheoPress, pp. 475 - 479

F.Giacco, M.Marinaro, S.Scarpetta, L. Pugliese
" Neural Nets classification techniques for the tutelage of cultural and natural resources"
. M.A. Gomarasca (ed.), Proceedeings of the 27th Symposium of the European Association of Remote SEnsing Laboratories (EARSEL) "GeoInformation in Europe" , Bolzano, Italy 4 -7 June 2007 Millpress, Netherlands, ISBN 9789059660618 , pagg. 643 -648

L. Pugliese, S. Scarpetta e F. Giacco
“ Applicazione di un algoritmo di mappatura non-supervisionato per la classificazione di dati multi-spettrali ASTER”
Rivista Italiana di Telerilevamento (Italian Journal of Remote Sensing) - Vol. 40, n.1, 2008: pagg.123-129

F. Giacco, S. Scarpetta, L. Pugliese, M. Marinaro, C. Thiel
“ Application of Self Organizing Maps to multi-resolution and multi-spectral remote sensed images”
B.Apolloni et alii (Eds.) - “New Directions in Neural Networks: Proceedings of the 18° Italian Workshop on Neural Networks (WIRN 2008), Vietri sul Mare (italy), May, 22-24 2008” – pagg. 245 – 253.– FAIA- KBIES book series - IOS Press (The Netherlands)


Abilitato alla professione di Ingegnere nell'ottobre del 2001. Iscritto all'Albo degli Ingegneri di Salerno dal giugno 2009.


Partecipazione al progetto INNOVA



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