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Where to stay

Hotel information - Year 2016
We are pleased to inform you with the prices of the hotels with which we have an agreement for the periods when there are events at IIASS. All bookings should be made directly with the the hotels. We suggest you book at least 20 days before your arrival.
- Hotel La Lucertola 
  Tel. +39 089 210255 - Fax +39 089 210223Agreement
- Hotel Lloyd's Baia 
  Tel. +39 089 7633111 - Fax +39 089 7633633
- Hotel Bristol
  Tel. +39 089 210800 - Fax +39 089 761170

- Hotel Vietri Coast
  Tel. +39 089 210400  

If you wish to stay near Vietri sul Mare we suggest:

- La voce del Mare
  S.S. 163 Amalfitana - 84019 - VIetri sul Mare 
  Tel. +39 089 210080

- BED & BREAKFAST - Dimora Carlo III gli archi 
  Via Scavata, 3 - 84019 - Vietri sul Mare 
  Tel. +39 089 211841 - Fax +39 089 763016

- Valle delle NaJdi
  Via Costabile, 32 - 84019 - VIETRI SUL MARE
  Tel. +39 089 210095 - Fax +39 089 7632467


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