The course will be held at:
International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS)
Via Pellegrino, 19
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno)
Tel.: 39-089-761167
Fax: 39-089-761189
In general (i.e., if not differently stated by you in your hotel reservation form), you have been booked full board accommodation in shared double rooms with twin beds from Sunday October 2 (check-in) to Saturday October 15 (check-out) at the:
Hotel La Lucertola
Via C. Colombo, 29
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno)
Tel.: 39-089-210255
Fax: 39-089-210223
Compilation and submission of the hotel reservation form (no later than September 12) are mandatory and no reservation is guaranteed in absence. Apart from differently agreed (print and take with you the related e-mail), the fellowship for accommodation will only cover the period (02/10 > 14/10).
On Sunday October 2 dinner will be served at 19:30-20:00.
The Registration Fee must be settled no later than September 19st 2016, with bank transfer to:
Name of Bank: Banca FIDEURAM
Address: Piazza Giovanni Amendola, 11 - 84121 SALERNO - ITALY
Account Holder: Istituto Internazionale per gli Alti Studi Scientifici "E.R. Caianiello" (IIASS)
IBAN: IT02 F032 9601 6010 0006 6131 328
Please indicate your name in the REASON for payment.