Dr.Nikolay Bittner
Quantum Many-Body Theory, Max Plnack Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart - Germany
Novel nonequilibrium dynamics in superconductors: Higgs oscillations and induced superconductivity
Abstract: Non equilibrium pump–probe time–domain spectroscopy opens new perspectives in studying the dynamical properties of the strongly correlated electron systems. In particular, new effects, such as transient superconductivity [1] or Higgs oscillations.
Miss. Delia Fugger
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Graz University of Technology, Graz - Austria
Nonequilibrium Kondo effect in a magnetic field: Auxiliary master equation approach
Abstract: We solve the single-impurity Anderson model in a magnetic field and out of equilibrium with an auxiliary master equation approach [1,2,3]. Treating the master equation within the framework of matrix product states allows us to generate highly accurate.
Miss. Delia Guerra
Dipartimento di Fisica 'E.R. Caianiello', Università degli Studi di Salerno, Fisciano (Sa) - Italy
Interplay between strong spin-orbit coupling, crystal field splitting and Hund’s exchange in KOsO4
Abstract: In recent years, spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has been considered an important ingredient in the physics of strongly correlated systems, because a considerable number of new phenomena such as topological insulator [1], unconventional metal-insulating transit.
Mr. Matthias Peschke
University of Hamburg - Germany
Magnetic phases of the geometrically frustrated one-dimensional Kondo lattice
Abstract: The Kondo lattice on a one-dimensional geometrically frustrated ladder is studied using the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG). We calculate different observables including local occupation numbers, the static magnetic susceptibility and equal-time spin correlations, namely local Kondo- and short-range RKKY correlations for ladders up to L=60 sites. The magnetic phase diagram is derived for different fillings n as a function of the local Kondo coupling J. The competition of the local Kondo effect, the non-local magnetic coupling and geometrical frustration results in a complex magnetic phase diagram. We find a spin-liquid phase at half-filling and strong J which suddenly changes into an antiferromagnetic phase at J≈t, a ferromagnetic phase at quarter filling and strong J which crosses over into a paramagnetic regime with inhomogeneous short-range dimer correlations, a paramagnetic phase at three-quarter filling and strong J, which suddenly changes into a ferromagnetic phase at J≈2.2t. For fillings in between quarter and three-quarter, the short-range correlations are found to be highly inhomogeneous and different correlation patterns are observed.
Miss. Ekaterina Plotnikova
Institute for Theoretical Physics,The Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden - Germany
Theoretical calculation of ARPES and PES on Iridates
Abstract: The interplay of electron-electron interaction and spin-orbit coupling leading to emergency of new phenomena such as J ef f -Mott insulator has recently drawn much attention to Ir-based per- ovskites. From those Ba 2 IrO 4 and Sr 2 IrO 4 have been parti
Mr. Markus Schmitt
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen - Germany
Irreversibility in Quantum Many-Body Systems
Abstract: The question of thermalization in closed quantum many-body systems has received a lot of attention in the past few years. An intimately related question is whether a closed quantum system shows irreversible dynamics. However, irreversibility.
Miss. Ana Silvia
Institute of Physics,University of Amsterdam - Netherlands
Towards a microscopic model for chiral charge density waves
Abstract: The elements Te and Se exhibit a tetragonal lattice structure,with helical chains. Such lattice structure can be mimicked by considering the presence of a “fictitious” charge density wave phase in an otherwise cubic lattice. Starting with such viewpoint.
Mr. Martin Žonda
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague - Czech Republic
Simple perturbation theory of a quantum dot attached to BCS leads
Abstract: I will present a theoretical study of a single-level quantum dot with local Coulomb repulsion attached to two generally different superconducting leads at zero temperature. We used the Nambu formalism and the standard many-body diagrammatic representat.