Lecture Topics and Background References

Prof. Anton Akhmerov (1-5 October)
Title: Numerics of topological devices

Learning goals:

Plan of the lectures:

  1. Introduction to mesoscopic physics: continuum and tight-binding band structures, discretization error, spurious modes, scattering problem, conductance
  2. Majorana devices: conductance, Josephson junctions, breaking the protection
  3. Josephson junctions: long and short junctions, junction transparency, Majoranas in a Josephson junction
  4. Chiral and helical modes: quantum Hall effect, quantum spin Hall effect, alternative pathways to Majoranas.
  5. Topology and disorder: what is disorder strength, band structure renormalization, density of states, kernel polynomial method


Most of the physics I am going to discuss is covered in the references provided by other lecturers, however I recommend several additional sources focusing on numerical simulations.

Prof. Carlo Beenakker (9-11 October)
Title: Random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions and topological superconductors

Plan of the lectures:

1. Ten-fold-way classification of topological states of matter
2. Signatures of Majorana zero-modes
3. Quantum transport in Majorana edge-modes



Prof. Hélène Bouchiat (8-12 October)
Title: Probing experimentally the Andreev spectrum in topological insulator based Josephson junctions

Plan of the lectures:

1. Basics of proximity induced superconductivity in SNS nanostructures
2. Spin dependent and interaction effects in SNS junctions
3. Josephson current in topological SNS junctions
4. AC phase biased SNS junctions: kinetic inductance and phase dependent dissipation
5. AC phase biased SNS junctions: probing the Andreev spectrum in topological junctions

1. Basics of proximity induced superconductivity in nanostructures

Bogoliubov de Gennes equations, phase dependent Andreev spectrum, phase dependent Josephson current, short and long junctions, role of disorder and barriers at the NS interface


2. Spin dependent and interaction effects in  Josephson SNS junctions

Spin Orbit and Zeeman effect in SNS junctions, 0/pi transitions, phi junctions, Josephson effect in quantum dots, Coulomb Blockade and Kondo effect . Application to carbonnanotubes 


3. Josephson current in topological SNS Josephson junctions

Examples of experimental realizations, topological protection and current phase relation, phi junction behavior.


 4.   AC phase biased SNS junctions: kinetic inductance and  phase dependent dissipation

 Linear response and fluctuation dissipation relation in SNS junctions, diagonal and non diagonal susceptibility, experiments in long diffusive junctions, spectroscopy of Andreev levels in small junctions


5. AC phase biased SNS junctions: probing the Andreev spectrum in topological junctions

Revealing  the spin dependent  Andreev spectrum and  topological crossings



Prof. Felix von Oppen (1-5 October)
Title: From Majorana bound states to topological quantum computation

Plan of the lectures:

1. Majorana bound states in p-wave superconductors and their nonabelian statistics
2. Physical realizations of 1d p-wave superconductors
3. Building blocks of a Majorana-based quantum computer
4. Introduction to quantum error correction
5. Fault-tolerant Majorana quantum computer

Basics: Books on superconductivity, especially BCS theory &Bogoliubov-deGennes formalism, see, e.g.,
• M. Tinkham, Introduction to Superconductivity, 2nd Edition, Ch. 3 and 10
• P.G. de Gennes, Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys, Ch. 4 and 5

Lecture 1: Majorana bound states in p-wave superconductors and their nonabelian statistics

Lecture 2: Physical realizations of 1d p-wave superconductors
In addition to literature under 1., also

Literature 3: Building blocks of a Majorana-based quantum computer

Literature 4: Introduction to quantum error correction

Literature 5: Fault-tolerant Majorana quantum computer


Prof. Carmine Ortix (8 October)
Title: Weyl and topological nodal line semimetals

Plan of the lectures:

1) Weyl and Dirac semimetals in three-dimensional solids, Review of Modern Physics 90, 015001 (2018);
2) Topological Materials: Weyl semimetals, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 8, 337 (2017);
3) Topological nodal line semimetals with and without spin-orbital coupling, Physical Review B 92, 081201(R) (2015).