XXII Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems
The Course will be held in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno, Italy) at the International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies "E.R. Caianiello" (IIASS), http://www.iiassvietri.it, from the 1st to the 12th of October 2018.
The Training Courses - taking place in the enchanting Amalfi Coast - are aimed at graduate students and PostDoc researchers, and offer the fascinating possibility to meet selected experts belonging to different areas in Condensed Matter Physics. Every year the Training Courses cover hot topics of Condensed Matter Physics offering to the participants a deep overview from different perspectives (theoretical, experimental, phenomenological).
This year the focus will be on: “Topological superconductivity and quantum devices”
Topological superconductivity is an interesting state of matter which has recently gained a lot of interest, both from a theoretical and experimental point of view, in connection with quantum computation. Although the nontrivial topology in the quantum Hall system was already recognized as early as 1982, topological quantum systems gained wide interest after the theoretical discovery in 2005 of the quantum spin Hall insulator phase in a two-dimensional (2D) time-reversal-invariant insulator. It was soon recognized that topological classifications are possible in principle for various quantum many-body systems having a gap in the energy-band spectrum, like topological superconductors. The XXII Training Course will be devoted to the recent advancements in the theoretical and experimental research in topological superconducivity, ranging from Majorana fermion models, numerical approaches, experimental overview and topological quantum computation and lectures will be held by leading scientists in the field of topological states of matter.
The Training Course are not intended as a series of formal lectures where no real contact develops between lecturers and audience. The idea is to put together, for two weeks, senior and young researchers in a close and informal atmosphere.
The course lasts two weeks and sees the participation of two senior researchers per week (Monday to Friday). In the morning, each senior researcher will deliver a lecture. The afternoon sessions are devoted to training and emphasis will be on introducing young researchers to some specific problems and guiding them through their solution. The participants will be encouraged to present their own activity. The aim is to help young researchers to become more familiar with different approaches and start new collaborations. A limited number of participants will have the opportunity to deliver a seminar.
The Course is open to a limited number (around 40) of young (aged under 35) researchers. The registration fee is €400.00 for all the duration of the course and €300.00 for only one week of attendance. Full, half-board or B&B accommodation in double room is possible at the Hotel La Lucertola: http://www.hotellalucertola.it/. The cost for the entire duration of the course (13 nights: arrival on Sunday September 30, departure in the morning of Saturday October 13, 2018) will be in the order of €1.200,00 for half-board accommodation €975,00 and for only B&B accommodation €780,00.
A limited number of grants, covering partially the accommodation, will be assigned to accepted participants, upon request and after a careful screening of CVs and home institution funding capabilities.
In the 2018 edition, young researchers will benefit from training in scientific techniques and various methodologies under the guidance of highly qualified senior lecturers:
Prof. Anton Akhmerov
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Prof. Carlo Beenakker
Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Prof. Hélène Bouchiat
Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris Sud, Orsay, France
Prof. Felix von Oppen
Department of Physics, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Carmine Ortix
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Topics- Plan of the lectures:
Prof. Anton Akhmerov (1-5 October)
Numerical simulations of topological quantum transport
1. Scattering formalism of quantum transport
2. Superconductivity, and conductance signatures of Majorana zero modes
3. Computation of macroscopic observables and supercurrent in topological Josephson junctions
4. Effective band structures and Majorana modes in quantum spin Hall effect
5. Introduction to numerical algorithms and their efficiency
Prof. Felix von Oppen (1-5 October)
From Majorana bound states to topological quantum computation
1. Majorana bound states in p-wave superconductors and their nonabelian statistics
2. Physical realizations of 1d p-wave superconductors
3. Building blocks of a Majorana-based quantum computer
4. Introduction to quantum error correction
5. Fault-tolerant Majorana quantum computer
Prof. Carmine Ortix (8 October)
Weyl and topological nodal line semimetals
Prof. Carlo Beenakker (9-11 October)
Random-matrix theory of Majorana fermions and topological superconductors
1. Ten-fold-way classification of topological states of matter
2. Signatures of Majorana zero-modes
3. Quantum transport in Majorana edge-modes
Prof. Hélène Bouchiat (8-12 October)
Probing experimentally the Andreev spectrum in topological insulator based Josephson junctions
1. Basics of proximity induced superconductivity in SNS nanostructures
2. Spin dependent and interaction effects in SNS junctions
3. Josephson current in topological SNS junctions
4. AC phase biased SNS junctions: kinetic inductance and phase dependent dissipation
5. AC phase biased SNS junctions: probing the Andreev spectrum in topological junctions
(i) Morning session from 9.00 to 13.30: two lectures (two hours each) delivered by two lecturers;
(ii) Afternoon session from 15.00 to 18.00: devoted to training (one hour for students' seminars, two hours for lecturers' training session).
Vietri (from Veteri, its ancient Roman name) sul Mare (on sea) is located within walking distance from Salerno and marks the beginning of the Amalfi Coast. The town is about five minutes drive from Salerno , one hour from Naples Airport and three hours from Rome Fiumicino Airport. Short rides take to Positano, Sorrento, Herculaneum, Pompeii, Paestum, the Vesuvius or to the islands of Capri, Ischia, Procida (by boat).
Google Map with main sites
The Director of the Course: Ferdinando Mancini
The Coordinator of the Course: Roberta Citro
APPLICATION FORM (to be submitted no later than July 15, 2018 , Deadline for Applications extended!, July 27, 2018 ):
Application form and logistic information are available at: http://www.iiassvietri.it/it/application-form-2018.html
For further information please contact:
Dr. Roberta Citro
Dipartimento di Fisica "E.R. Caianiello"
Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
I-84081 Fisciano (SA)
Tel. 39 089 96 9187
Fax: 39 089 96 9658
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web page: http://www.fisica.unisa.it/roberta.citro
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