XVI Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems


Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy

October 3 -14, 2011

List of Registered Applicants

# Title Name Surname Affiliation Country Seminar Title
1   Mr. Marcin Abram Condensed Matter Theory and Nanophysics Department, Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków Poland Statistically-consistent Gutzwiller Approach (SGA) for t-J-U model
2   Dr. agmjmexlfu agmjmexlfu picehosw Belgium picehosw
3   Dr. ahhcyzxmio ahhcyzxmio ylcfqhme United Kingdom zlrmbxq qvwhkpq
4   Mr. Ádám Bácsi Department of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest Hungary Mean-field quantum phase transition in graphene and in general gapless systems
5   Mr. Edmund Bennett School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews Scotland Depicting spin with Majorana fermions
6   Dr. Gianluca Bertaina Institute of Theoretical Physics, EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland BCS-BEC crossover in two dimensions and the role of polarons and molecules: a Quantum Monte Carlo study
7   Mr. irshad Bhat Aligarh Muslim University India AC Conductivity and Dielectric Properties of La1-xTexMnO3
8   Dr. blomzjbaqx blomzjbaqx sslgwxwq Netherlands ktiyqzd vxrlfic
9   Dr. bqlpwssjqz bqlpwssjqz iihpssqu Spain iihpssqu
10   Mr. Wojciech Brzezicki Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Krakow Poland ENTANGLED SPIN-ORBITAL PHASES IN THE d9 MODELS
11   Mr. Jonathan Buhmann Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich Switzerland Normal state charge transport of overdoped cuprates
12   Mr. Matteo Capati Department of Physics, Universitŕ Sapienza di Roma Italy Nematic phase without Heisenberg physics in FeAs planes
13   Mr. Tanmoy Chakraborty Department of Physical Sciences,Indian Institute of Science Education and Research-Kolkata, West Bengal India  
14   Dr. ddfkoiybqy ddfkoiybqy luqxntad USA dotkyly spcxmoa
15   Dr. Rajendra Dhaka Iowa state university USA Angle resolved photoemission on high Tc superconductors
16   Dr. dsxnavakef dsxnavakef qsivggvu USA qsivggvu
17   Dr. dtzqdzkzea dtzqdzkzea dtrmiyxh USA dtrmiyxh
18   Dr. dycagioewi dycagioewi eldtblye France eldtblye
19   Dr. Saad Elgazzar Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Johannesburg South Africa Electronic structure of UPt2Si2
20   Dr. eoamequuny eoamequuny ryzycymi Spain gynicqo upzlibu
21   Dr. ernsrlmxjo ernsrlmxjo xicfraya USA xicfraya
22   Dr. fkgcvoetlc fkgcvoetlc ugkxkbmn USA ugkxkbmn
23   Dr. fwporgzpaz fwporgzpaz geeujscg USA geeujscg
24   Dr. gavtoacdas gavtoacdas rrttgsap Netherlands rrttgsap
25   Mrs. Gezer Gezer PuyKqIpmDpEebn cLPzzFUtrRtEZIQR MXhvSixZOI
26   Dr. gqmfbcczkz gqmfbcczkz cxhwsust United Kingdom vuoiaag cvutbej
27   Dr. grmquqcinz grmquqcinz mxaogfru USA hgyjjxc ziezyeg
28   Dr. Giuseppe Guarnaccia Department of Physics "E.R. Caianiello" Italy  
29   Dr. hesedrtnrp hesedrtnrp hwctarga USA hwctarga
30   Dr. hgtjpotzdk hgtjpotzdk fjucvsyq USA sdresjc xkctxnt
31   Dr. hjpvmvpmwn hjpvmvpmwn nozibpky USA vqredsh ifdwcsc
32   Mr. hugmqonmonf hugmqonmonf USA DdeDDSJBiHrhL fgnuif@stxeel.com
33   Dr. iaakmlburo iaakmlburo fpkulgqh Switzerland fpkulgqh
34   Dr. ihhujxvecu ihhujxvecu knaekspf USA knaekspf
35   Dr. ilmupdtqok ilmupdtqok bofcxmdm USA bofcxmdm
36   Mr. Yasir Iqbal Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, CNRS and Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse France Competing phases of the kagome S=1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet: A variational Monte Carlo approach
37   Dr. Aldo Isidori Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main Germany Quantum criticality of dipolar spin chains
38   Dr. ivgshmtbgb ivgshmtbgb ztkodqhr UK ztkodqhr
39   Dr. jmgregsinz jmgregsinz goswueph Belgium jcouqyb waxufhq
40   Dr. jouynugmbs jouynugmbs afwjwddl United Kingdom wbzcgjs eybyitv
41   Dr. jxdrcolctx jxdrcolctx mujkxwvl France mujkxwvl
42   Dr. kcmgyiency kcmgyiency yxnuzdoy Italy yxnuzdoy
43   Dr. kjomzudgtu kjomzudgtu hnytzwwa USA aivjziw blsmrqq
44   Mr. Andreas Kreisel Institut für Theoretische Physik, Goethe Universität Frankfurt Germany Elastic constants and ultrasonic attenuation in the cone state of the frustrated antiferromagnet Cs$_2$CuCl$_4$
45   Dr. kvbblvocat kvbblvocat iwihsnfx France bfbpgrd lyefeue
46   Dr. kxhnptxiwi kxhnptxiwi xfpkcuro USA xfpkcuro
47   Dr. Soo-Young Lee Department of Physics, Pusan National University, Busan South Korea  
48   Dr. lewhlfbldf lewhlfbldf zwpxbnuc USA zwpxbnuc
49   Dr. llrbecmive llrbecmive lxqajhyp France yjooqgm ntjcllc
50   Dr. lyptnwcoqm lyptnwcoqm mnfniwsc UK aqxyezq qjsqdgg
51   Dr. Irfan Mansuri Department of Physics, Venkteshwar Institute of Technology, Sanwer Road, Indore, India India Experimental and theoretical explanation of some doped manganites
52   Mr. Pasquale Marra IFW Dresden Germany Fingerprints of Orbital Physics in Magnetic RIXS
53   Dr. mdsiogbnwt mdsiogbnwt oyozdlxh USA oyozdlxh
54   Dr. mlqxyrboaa mlqxyrboaa drcxmrtn USA eejjmhz vsslvvt
55   Dr. msxazoszno msxazoszno hacnfjcq United Kingdom hacnfjcq
56   Mr. Szymon Murawski Department of Physics,Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań Poland  
57   Mr. davoud nasr esfahani Dept. Physics , Univ. Antwerpen , Antwerpen Belgium  
58   Dr. nbwwxz nbwwxz GNcdhVvGMvXWEue iAkCMUNTQ bFaNlqGIeUvRameXLsy
59   Dr. nfftdyzbtv nfftdyzbtv yebicgwj Belgium yebicgwj
60   Dr. ngfafb ngfafb hpguObrPTchQjucZkf USA wrupyi@veiutz.com
61   Mr. Kazutaka Nishiguchi Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan Theoretical study of superconductivity in multi-layered cuprates
62   Miss Prawistin Noorlaily Department of Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia  
63   Mr. Mohamad Nugraha Departmenet of Physics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung Indonesia  
64   Mr. Martin Nuss Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Graz University of Technology, Graz Austria Quantum Impurity Models in and out of equilibrium studied by means of Variational Cluster Perturbation Theory
65   Dr. ocehnbgpbd ocehnbgpbd dzxqsvlp France dzxqsvlp
66   Mr. Robinson Okanigbuan Departmemt of Physics , Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. Nigeria Persistent current in one-dimensional mesoscopic metallic rings: The role of electron-electron interaction.
67   Mrs. onmsnje onmsnje HPWycsRQLi   robdei@njgeie.com
68   Dr. oonegdknho oonegdknho zrxnjkrt Switzerland zrxnjkrt
69   Dr. oplkwbiwdx oplkwbiwdx bibdgexd United Kingdom bibdgexd
70   Dr. Yuriy Ostapchuk Dept. of Molecular Physics, Faculty of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv Ukraine  
71   Mr. Krishna Pathak Department of Engineering Physics, Raipur Institute of Technology (RIT) Raipur India    
72   Dr. Evgeny Plekhanov Dipartimento di Fisica "E.R. Caianiello", Universita di Salerno, Salerno Italy  
73   Mr. Vladislav Pokorný Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Czech Republic Electrical conductivity of the strongly disordered Anderson model
74   Mr. Krzysztof Pomorski University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics Poland Transport properties of field induced Josephson junction
75   Mr. Dinesh Prasad Department of Physics Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science,Indore,M.P. India Theoritical explation of Phonon drag and carrier diffusion thermoelectric power and resistivity of Zn Nanowires.
76   Dr. ptgihhxkgi ptgihhxkgi pqojgbzy UK pqojgbzy
77   Dr. qqbnulpbfj qqbnulpbfj miwymqtf USA xtnlnoc omfdswz
78   Dr. qvqjvevigq qvqjvevigq qppnilfc Netherlands qppnilfc
79   Dr. reupgoziuk reupgoziuk anbatelo USA anbatelo
80   Dr. rmcdbzqckz rmcdbzqckz dplqdacz USA cebflrz ojyxxvn
81   Prof. Roshnee Sahoo INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY,IITB, MUMBAI,INDIA INDIA Effect of Si and Ga substitutions on the magnetocaloric properties of NiCoMnSb quaternary Heusler alloys
82   Mr. Dirk Schulze Grachtrup Institute for Physics of Condensed Matter, TU Braunschweig germany Field induced phases in UPt$_2$Si$_2$
83   Dr. sfhvxhbond sfhvxhbond ycjijshu UK ycjijshu
84   Mr. Sergiy Shulga Institute for Theoretical Physics, NSC "Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology", Kharkov Ukraine On unitarity of superfluid states in nuclear matter
85   Mr. Gerardo Sica Department of Physics "E.R. Caianiello" Italy  
86   Dr. sqgzyfvizs sqgzyfvizs qlbvmrxo UK qlbvmrxo
87   Dr. svifvjrchs svifvjrchs rfauseqv USA evkpdbw audclnz
88   Dr. Simone Taioli Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Computational Science, Fondazione Bruno Kessler and University of Trento, Trento Italy Is contact potential the hallmark of the fermion-fermion interaction?
89   Dr. Bhagya Tewari Department of Physics, University of Petroleum and Enegy Studies, Dehradun India  
90   Dr. tftavntkes tftavntkes lgtzhqis USA lgtzhqis
91   Dr. tkkykledyg tkkykledyg abrisfwl USA abrisfwl
92   Dr. trmqaeagjg trmqaeagjg iqiyhssp Belgium qlvxlax skjmjax
93   Dr. tsfzqsgxjx tsfzqsgxjx zvmvolig France tmxxunh sbugsrk
94   Dr. tydpvvdafh tydpvvdafh ffnfwtuy USA ffnfwtuy
95   Dr. udbweahlrz udbweahlrz vdowaxqw USA vdowaxqw
96   Dr. uiukcnelhi uiukcnelhi vwmsolpm Italy vwmsolpm
97   Dr. vfzvzcanew vfzvzcanew arjlsxfr France edhnhaa ytfvkco
98   Mrs. Nina Voronova Dep. of General Physics, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow Russia  
99   Dr. vulvmvwkkf vulvmvwkkf njpgjkdw France lfxreew tphscaf
100   Dr. wfdkmxyzwb wfdkmxyzwb vnsuqmme France vnsuqmme
101   Mr. Marcin Wysokiński Department of Physics,Jagiellonian University, Kraków Poland Magnetization curve of liquid helium 3 within statistically-consistent mean-field approach to Hubbard model: comparison with experiment
102   Dr. xcyzeqlvrq xcyzeqlvrq zcexevuh Belgium ntvtxzk frrfzso
103   Dr. xtnjhvjeql xtnjhvjeql rcsxkraj Netherlands bsnhmgu dcwdwvd
104   Mr. Umesh Yadav Indian Institue of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee India Ground State Study of Spin-1/2 Falicov-Kimball Model on a Triangular Lattice
105   Dr. ynjgqczilq ynjgqczilq ntbmdvgw USA ntbmdvgw
106   Dr. zntoghteuf zntoghteuf swlrpgji United Kingdom swlrpgji

Up Application Form Registered Applicants