XII Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno) Italy
1 - 12 October 2007
Second Circular: General Information
The Course will start on Monday October 1 and will end on Friday October 12. You are expected to arrive on Sunday September 30 and to leave on Saturday October 13.
Each participant will be invited to deliver a short presentation (3 minutes) of her/his present research activity during the first afternoon; those delivering seminars will have 15+5 minutes (talk + discussion) according to the program.
The course will be
held at:
International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS)
Via Pellegrino, 19
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno)
Tel.: +39-089-761167
Fax: +39-089-761189
You have been booked full board accommodation in twin rooms at the Hotel:
Hotel La Lucertola
Via C. Colombo, 29
Vietri sul Mare (Salerno)
Tel.: +39-089-210255
according to your arrival and departure dates.
On Sunday September 30 the dinner will be served at 19:30-20:00.
Lecture Topics and Background References
Detailed Program