XI Training Course in the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems Vietri sul Mare (Salerno) Italy 2 - 13 October 2006 Application form Title: Prof. Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss. First Name: Middle Name: Family Name: Age: Nationality: Sex: Male Female Position: Faculty PostDoc Graduate Student Affiliation: Country: Complete Mail Address: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Present research interests, Brief curriculum vitae since graduation, five most recent publications and motives for wishing to attend the Training Course [(Optional) Comments on benefit of participation from Supervisor]: Arrival Date (dd/mm/yyyy): Departure Date (dd/mm/yyyy): Some of the participants will have the opportunity to deliver a 30 minute seminar during the training sessions. Title of seminar: Abstract of seminar: Request for grant covering staying expenses Will your institution/research grant/other sources be able to fund your staying expenses? Yes No Partially  If partial support is available, please specify its amount in $ or € (Euro):